Terrorists Reportedly Sneaks Into Nigeria By ISIS From Syria To Train For Attacks.

 Leaders of the Islamic state ISIS terror group are allegedly sneaking battle-hardened jihadis from Syria into Nigeria to train terrorists there for possible attacks in Britain, according to reports. Fanatics from Nigeria are also being sent to the middle East for training in a chilling "exchange programme".
 According to TheSun UK, insiders fear strong links between Nigeria and the UK will make it easier for ISIS to send its killers here to bring more death and destruction.
 Now more than 150 British troops are conducting counter-terror training with Nigerin forces in an attempt to stem the bloody tide - and stop ISIS taking hold in the region.
 At one training mission in the northern city of Kaduna, a senior Nigerian Air Force commander revealed how his country's jihad groups were learning from ISIS after swearing allegiance to its black flag.
 Group captain Isaac Subi, 46, who has been fighting terrorism across Africa since 1992, said: "They come and train their fighters here and some of our insurgents too are granted access to their training in Yemen and Syria, acquiring those skills and they come back and teach others."
 "They have this exchange programme if fighters."
   Their poisonous influence has already ended in horror attacks on British streets.
 Fusilier Lee Rigby was stabbed to death in 2013 in London by Michael Adebolajo and Michael Adebowale, both of Nigerian descent.
 It is feared ISIS will exploit regular flights between Lagos and London to export more evil to the UK.
 Group captain Subi said the lack of secure borders across Africa Al's makes it easy to spread the bloodshed.
 He added: "There are hundreds of fighters. It's a virus that spreads across our borders. Their action leaves trails of blood and tears and sorrows."


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