A woman recently shared a post on social media as she wrote "I noticed my son had four boils, one on his head, his chest, his leg and his finger. The were small, I assumed they are slight infections and would go. His doctor recommended an antibiotic cream. Sometimes my son will be shouting his head, his head or his leg". One day as I was back from work, I checked his hand and saw that the boil had opened. I saw something like pus, lo and behold when I pressed it, a live maggot came out! How comes about this maggot? Female Timbu fly/Botfly lay their eggs in soil contaminated with feces or urine or on damp clothing or bed linens. Damp clothing hanging to dry makes for a perfect spot. Doctors Rodhain and Bequaert said from their observations that Cordylobia anthropophagy (Grunberg) lays its egg on the ground. The larvae, known generally as Cayor worms, crawl over the soil until they came in contact with mammal, penetrate the skin and lie in the subcutaneous tissue causing ...